About me

French developer, my passion is to develop any type of website and give color in the world of Internet. My name is Thomas and I am 25 years old.

A small presentation is necessary before scrolling the page. I like to read and watch series/movies, especially thrillers, mystical and fantastic. I especially love what is real life and not an image projected to deceive you. I like debating about free activities, let's agree, the world is not really equity. I love computers, web development and design. I fully support privacy and web neutrality.

I often take part in Open Source projects as well as some Hackathons on the net. Since 2019, I moderate some well known #tags on dev.to. Feel free to have a look at my DEV profile.

At the moment I consider myself a front-end developer since I mainly practice CSS and SCSS, but I often tinker with servers, robots and a little bit all kind of projects, always fascinated to discover new things.

I listen to a loooot of music, whether it's to motivate me in my work, to blossom or for my long walks. I choose Spotify as my music streaming platform because the playlists I've made for me are of very good quality, and I can't do without the radio system, which is a pure miracle when you think about it!

A few years ago, I got interested in the world of photography, so I have some pictures since on Unsplash, feel free to have a look around and give me feedback to even discuss it if you like it too.

Please feel free to follow me on social networks.
Un paysage vu sur le ciel et un grand champ de maïs.
Palais de la Berbie, Rue de la Temporalité, Albi, France
Vue de l'intérieur d'un train regardant par la fenêtre

Photo by me, you can see more on my Unsplash profile. Goo

What I do (principally)

My job is to create and promote websites, to give it a unique look and make it attractive. What fascinates me the most is the evolution of this one through time, seeing the design change and the technologies evolve.

Website creation
Share with the world and give visibility to a new project on the entire Internet network. This is the power of a website. In addition to having its own design, it is also the best way to stand out in beauty.
Natural referencing
Appear in the first search results by optimizing the SEO as much as possible. It is essential for the website to be visited.

Technical skills

What I'm most comfortable

I'm familiar with web languages, I apply the fundamental rules of the web (W3C) so that it's accessible by anyone.

HTML5CSS3SASSJavaScriptGitLet's EncryptApacheWordPressNode.jsVue.jsNuxt.jsExpress.jsMongoDBMariaDBPrisma


I started by contributing on GitHub and creating my websites. Now I'm making a living out of it, helping with translation and moderation. Feel free to have a look at my pro profile aka LinkedIn .



I moderate some tags on the DEV platform, and from time to time I contribute to the source code.

Mod and contributor

Since April 2019



Help to translate in French language the documentation of the Astro.


Since July 2022

Discord Invites

Discord Invites

Helping to respond to questions on the support and emails at Discord Invites.


Since November 2021

Buy Me a Coffee

Buy Me a Coffee

I moderate and help users on the official Buy Me a Coffee Discord server.


Since November 2020


My studies are only a part of what I learned, because everything you could see in my knowledge as the Web, I learned it in self-taught by passion.

Do you want know more about my background? DEV team interviewed me.
Read the post 'Featured Mod of the Month: Thomas Bnt' on DEV.


Lycée Louis Rascol

  • 2015-2017
  • BAC Pro System Electronic and Numeric (SEN)
  • ALBI, 81000

My Spotify space

Since I spend a lot of time on Spotify, I've set up a system that creates playlists for me each month and adds the songs I've liked. The Last.Favorited playlist lists pretty much all the music I've loved over the past few years, and is synced with my likes on Last.fm.

Last.FavoritedOld.loveRemixOctober '23June '23